Lower than C?

renoX renosky at free.fr
Sun Dec 9 02:30:30 PST 2007

Jesse Phillips a écrit :
> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 13:25:54 -0500, bearophile wrote:
>> You have have read this already, but I have found it interesting:
>> http://my.opera.com/Vorlath/blog/2007/10/07/wasted-power
>> They show me why D may enjoy gaining some things at a level even lower
>> than C, to allow it to use the modern CPUs better. There one comment by
>> spc476 reminds me that D can actually have vector ops too someday ;-) I
>> think it may exist a language that is both safe enough and allows to
>> give hints to the compiler with a nice syntax to allow some of the
>> optimizations that article discusses a lot about.
>> Bye,
>> bearophile
> If you look at the comments, someone said that the problem is C is too 
> low level. I happen to mostly agree with is. I will use a non-computer 
> related example.

That's the theory yes: giving more information to the compiler should 
produce better performing programs, the truth is that all our high level 
language are usually slower than C..


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