Threads and Static Data

Craig Black craigblack2 at
Sun Dec 9 22:28:17 PST 2007

I'm in the process of hashing out a design for multi-core support for a 
large API developed by myself and a couple other people.  I realized that 
static data can be problematic for multiple threads.  In many cases, it 
seems that static data should be instantiated on a per-thread basis.  My 
solution to this problem is to use a template class called "Threaded" that 
instantiates data for each thread.

static Threaded!(int) x;

Then to access the value, there would have to be a thread ID passed into it. 
So to increment the value you would have.

int temp = x.get(threadID);
x.set(threadID, temp+1);

(Or, I guess you could use a pointer.)

int *ptr = x.getptr(threadID);

This solution will do the job, but it is a little clumsy.  This seems like 
this is a common problem that warrants better syntax.  Ideally, I would like 
to be able access a "threaded" variable just like any other so that the 
above example is simply "x++".  I don't have extensive experience with D 
templates and operator overloading.  It it possible to make this work 
transparently with all operators?  I want to support all basic types as well 
as structs and classes.  Could someone with more experience fill me in on 
the caveats involved in implementing something like this?  Has anyone else 
already solved this problem?  This seems like a feature that should be 
included in the standard library.


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