Threads and Static Data
Craig Black
cblack at
Mon Dec 10 06:57:37 PST 2007
"Robert Fraser" <fraserofthenight at> wrote in message
news:fjip5u$2uud$1 at
> Craig Black wrote:
>> I'm in the process of hashing out a design for multi-core support for a
>> large API developed by myself and a couple other people. I realized that
>> static data can be problematic for multiple threads. In many cases, it
>> seems that static data should be instantiated on a per-thread basis. My
>> solution to this problem is to use a template class called "Threaded"
>> that instantiates data for each thread.
>> static Threaded!(int) x;
>> Then to access the value, there would have to be a thread ID passed into
>> it. So to increment the value you would have.
>> int temp = x.get(threadID);
>> x.set(threadID, temp+1);
>> (Or, I guess you could use a pointer.)
>> int *ptr = x.getptr(threadID);
>> (*ptr)++;
>> This solution will do the job, but it is a little clumsy. This seems
>> like this is a common problem that warrants better syntax. Ideally, I
>> would like to be able access a "threaded" variable just like any other so
>> that the above example is simply "x++". I don't have extensive
>> experience with D templates and operator overloading. It it possible to
>> make this work transparently with all operators? I want to support all
>> basic types as well as structs and classes. Could someone with more
>> experience fill me in on the caveats involved in implementing something
>> like this? Has anyone else already solved this problem? This seems like
>> a feature that should be included in the standard library.
>> -Craig
> Tango has tango.core.Thread.ThreadLocal for thrad-local storage. I don't
> know about phobos, but if it's not there it should be.
Suite! I think I've seen the term "thread local", but it never occured to
me what it meant. Goes to show you how green I am when it comes to
threading. I'll check it out. Thanks.
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