D Con 07 videos
Bill Baxter
dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Mon Dec 10 11:02:09 PST 2007
Alexander Panek wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 18:23:29 +0900
> Bill Baxter <dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com> wrote:
>> To be a little less facetious, Brad's going to organize it again and
>> Brad lives in Seattle, and his employer in Seattle graciously donates
>> the facilities for the gathering. Also Walter and Andrei are both in
>> Seattle too. Thus it is in Seattle again.
> No offense intended, but this is a rather deficient argument. Even
> though I appreciate that it is being organized, I don't see a point in
> excluding a big part of the community by holding it in the US again.
> It's just not affordable to go to the US for most of us. I suppose the
> same applies to your situation.
It may be a weak argument, but that's the way it is. I'm just the
volunteer messenger boy, telling you so that Brad doesn't have to. I'm
just basically repeating the same thing that was in the 2007 conference FAQ.
>> I'm sure there would be nothing but applause if someone volunteered
>> to organize a Euro D conference in 2008 also. You may even be able
>> to convince Walter to pay his own way there, but if you're going to
>> do it the courteous thing would be to pay for his plane fare and
>> accommodations, perhaps funded by charging a registration fee.
> IMHO, everyone should pay on his own if possible. Anything else is
> going to be a matter of communication between all participants. We
> could even have a pool of money for those who couldn't attend because
> they are students, or similar.
> Ad the other reply: is it cheaper to go to Europe or to USA from Japan?
West coast USA is cheaper, but it's generally over $1000 US to either
destination. Money's not as big an issue for me as the time it takes to
travel there and back. I can't really justify spending more than like a
day or two total attending a conference about a programming language.
Just traveling to the USA or Europe eats up about 2 days' time. That's
why I was thinking about trying to put together some sort of gathering
of D folks at SIGGRAPH in LA 2008 to maybe chat about D and computer
graphics, because I'll be at SIGGRAPH anyway.
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