what was wrong with struct & class in C++?

Gregor Richards Richards at codu.org
Wed Dec 12 14:59:16 PST 2007

Martin Hinsch wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Dec 2007 12:24:44 -0800, Gregor Richards wrote:
>> BC wrote:
>>> I thought it was a great idea to allow both value semantics and pointer
>>> semantics for the same types in C++ by the simple addition of a * or &.
>>> What was wrong with that that needed to be fixed in D? GC could have
>>> been done without changing this. Now in D template code doesn't know
>>> which semantics apply and structs can't inherit. If you write something
>>> as a struct and then realise you need inheritance you're stuck. D has so
>>> many good ideas it's a shame to see it broken in this way...
>> No. No no no no no. I hate seeing this argument.
>> structs are a shim. They are a way of getting lower-level access to the
>> organization of memory.
>> In C++, this is ANYTHING but simple:
>> class A {
>> ...
>> }
>> }
>> void someidiotfunction(A a);
>> void someidiotfunction2(A *a);
>> void someidiotfunction3(A &a);
>> You now have three ways of passing an "object", with different semantics
>> and different possible results!
>> In proper object oriented design, objects are contexts. It makes no sense
>> to duplicate contexts. Contexts are an abstraction of an environment in
>> which to perform actions, and it makes no sense to duplicate that
>> environment whenever you happen to pass it from one function to another
>> (oh except when you don't).
>> D is not the problem. C++'s insistence on forcing details of
>> implementation down the users' throat is the problem.
>>   - Gregor Richards
> I don't mean to be offensive, but I totally don't see the point. Of course
> C++ structs (being inherited from C) are too low-level. Still, I would
> argue that this is a property of C++ not of value-semantics. And who
> decides a) what "proper object-oriented design" means,

Consensus and history.

> b) that it's
> inherently a great thing

This is irrelevant. Whether OO is good or not, D aims to be OO.

> and c) that it is tied to reference semantics?

Consensus. C++ is popular, but it is the exception to the rule in this 
regard. Virtually no other language has this bizarre property.

> IMO it makes perfect sense to treat objects as just a more complicated
> kind of value. Look at the following code:
> int a=1;
> a++;
> int b = a + 10;

This code has no function calls. And, if it was all implemented with 
operator overloading, it would be the same whether it had value or 
reference semantics:

Integer a = new Integer(/*magic internal data representing the value 1*/);
a.opIncrement(); /* no imperative language would implement this as a
                   * copy, as then all objects would be immutable */
Integer b = a.opAdd(new Integer(10)); /* whether the integer is copied
                                        * or not, a returns a new one, it
                                        * has no reason to modify its
                                        * argument */

In other words, this code is irrelevant.

> In this piece of code the variable a is used once as a reference (i.e.
> modified in place) and once as a value (i.e. copied).

No it isn't.

> In the same way it
> can make sense for "real" objects to use them as values in some operations
> and as references in others.

Intrinsic values do not mutate in the same way that objects do. In an 
object oriented sense, they're immutable. When you say a = a + 5, it's 
rebinding the variable a to a new value, computed as a + 5. The actual 
data representing its original value is not modified, a is simply 
rebound. This has the same result whether by-value or by-reference. 
Because they're immutable, there's no distinction between by-value and 
by-reference passing. If all the intrinsic types were actually by-ref 
objects, there would be no difference.

(Note: a++ and ++a are sort of exceptions to this rule)

> You can easily make up a way to specify which
> way to use a function arg (like, say, 'in' and 'inout') without having to
> know anything about values or references.

Yes - D already has one.

> To sum it up - I think although C++ structs + pointers + references is
> messy, that doesn't mean that OOP and value vs. reference semantics aren't
> completely orthogonal concepts.
> And by the way this is the main point keeping me from using D

Seriously? You are /way/ too much of a C++'er. Go use any other OO 
language, and you will find your opinion very quickly in the minority. 
"I don't mean to be offensive," but that's just silly.

> (and the
> fact that the gcc frontend is so slow in catching up). Since I started
> to read the newsgroup I got the impression that the special syntactic
> treatment of object references has been *the* major hurdle for many of the
> more difficult/controversial language extensions (const comes to mind).

This is a purely syntactic hurdle, and the giant ugly mess that is 
by-value objects is not worth the slightly simpler syntax. Which, 
incidentally, would be more complicated syntax in basically every other 

> cheers
> Martin

  - Gregor Richards

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