Measuring CPU load

Tomas Lindquist Olsen tomas at
Fri Dec 14 03:10:31 PST 2007

Mike wrote:
> Hi!
> It's not really D related, I know, but I don't know where else to ask.
> So: I've got this little class that measures in/out time of threads with 
> the rdtsc assembler opcode. The relevant thread gets started 
> periodically, takes time of start in[t] at the entry point and time of 
> exit out [t] with "scope (exit) ...".
> This gives me the following measurments:
> in[t]   // thread entered (current iteration)
> out[t]  // thread exited (current iteration)
> in[t-1] // thread entered (last iteration)
> And the following formula:
> cpuload = 100 * (out[t] - in[t]) / (in[t] - in[t-1]);
> to get the cpu load in %.
> Now I've tested this and I'm not quite sure. The results are at least 
> somewhat  reasonable, although they seem to be double the real value 
> (I've got a dual core system) so that might explain that.
> But before guessing around I thought I'll ask here if this way of 
> measuring is completely wrong or if there's a better way to do that.
> -Mike

RDTSC is no longer safe on multicore systems. Wikipedia has some notes on it:

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