Proposal: static template(fail)

Bruce Adams tortoise_74 at
Fri Dec 14 11:57:35 PST 2007

On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 19:09:25 -0000, BCS <ao at> wrote:

> what would this do?:
> template Foo(T)
> {
>   static if(logic1!(T)) template(fail);
> }
> template Foo(T)
> {
>   static if(logic2!(T)) template(fail);
> }
> from a programers level, it might be valid. My though is (an wow could  
> this be costly) try all cases*, if there isn't exactly one match, error.
> * Walter's not going to like that for performance reasons.
I'm not so sure about that. Its a bit like saying he wouldn't like you to
write poorly designed / optimised code. He may not like it but a  
language can't help but permit it even if it does discourage it.

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