WYSIWYG string still limited

Kirk McDonald kirklin.mcdonald at gmail.com
Sat Dec 15 13:18:01 PST 2007

Swer wrote:
> r"abc\s*$"  ok
> r"abc"s*$"  fail
>  `abc"s*$`  ok
>  `abc`s*$`  fail
> as a improvement from C/C++, D use [`] as WYSIWYG string delimiter easy to 
> use, but still not enough. why dont perfect solution to WYSIWYG string. perl 
> has one, but not fit for D. My poposal below.
> pargam(delimiter, "[[WYSIWYG]]");
> const char [] somestr = [[WYSIWYG]]
> You can use write any some here.
> const char [] code_demo1 = `demo1`;
> const char [] code_demo2 = r"demo2";
> ofcause you can replace the delimiter from "[[WYSIWYG]]" to any string you 
> like. 

The D 2.x series has already added a few new forms of string literals, 
including delimited strings. They look like this:

q"(foo(xxx))"   // "foo(xxx)"
q"[foo{]"       // "foo{"
q"/foo"bar/"    // "foo\"bar"

They are documented here:


Kirk McDonald
Pyd: Connecting D and Python

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