Kazuhiro Inaba
kiki at kmonos.net
Wed Dec 19 21:41:51 PST 2007
Bill Baxter wrote:
> Ah ok. I was looking for some recent D/Japan activity after yidabu's post about d-programming-language-china.org. Guess three years old doesn't qualify as recent activity. :-)
> 誰か日本人がいませんか。何かいい日本語のサイトをレコメンド出来ますか。
はい :-)
As far as I know, there were not so outstanding movement around D this year unfortunately.
But anyhow, several new "introduction-to-D" websites have appeared:
- http://rayerd.ddo.jp/pukiwiki/ingwiki/index.php?C%2FC%2B%2B%A4%CB%C8%E8%A4%EC%A4%BF%BF%CD%A4%CED%B8%C0%B8%EC
- http://www.kmonos.net/alang/wnd/
- http://shoo.s20.xrea.com/shoo/programing/
(the last one even sais "introduction-to-programming" using D!)
and new applications/libraries:
- dHell http://www5.atwiki.jp/yaruhara/pages/76.html
Game Library. I hear that several mini-games are written by this library, but i don't have a pointer.
- PCRaw http://mosa.oh.land.to/wiki/index.cgi?page=PCRaw
Support tool for Peercast (P2P Streaming). The latest version switched to D from C++.
- Diki http://www.kmonos.net/alang/dee/diki7/
Very simple wiki engine. Totally revised after 3 years' absence.
I think there should be more... (does anyone know other activities?)
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