My Language Feature Requests

Craig Black craigblack2 at
Sat Dec 22 21:39:55 PST 2007

"Christopher Wright" <dhasenan at> wrote in message 
news:fkkm0i$2oa9$1 at
> Craig Black wrote:
>> 2) Adding language features that would allow for a moving GC.  A modern, 
>> moving GC would also be a huge performance win.  I think we would have a 
>> safety problem if we currently implemented a moving GC.  Languages that 
>> have moving GC greatly restrict what can be done with pointers.  We need 
>> to provide a syntax that will allow pointers to be used when memory is 
>> explicitly managed, but disallow pointers for GC memory.
>> So, here's one idea for making D more safe for moving GC.
>> a) Disallow overloading new and delete for classes, and make classes 
>> strictly for GC, perhaps with an exception for classes instantiated on 
>> the stack using scope.
> Don't see the point of this. You'd map a single old value to a single new 
> value...or map an old range to a new one. You're changing one equality 
> check and one assignment to two comparisons and an addition. And this is 
> when you're looking through the entire address space of the program.

I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about, but you mention computation 
performed at run-time.  The concept here is that it will be a compile-time 

The reason to disallow new and delete is to ensure that all instances of a 
class not instantiated using "scope" will be GC objects.  This gives the 
compiler the information necessary to enforce pointer assignment 
restrictions at compile-time.

>> b) Allow new and delete to work with structs, and allocate them on the 
>> malloc heap.  I would still want to be able to override new and delete 
>> for structs, specifically to be able to use nedmalloc.
> This can allow polymorphism for structs, actually, but it is a bit of a 
> performance hit.

Yes, polymorphism for structs could be allowed.  I don't know why you think 
that would be a performance hit.  C++ structs and classes allow 
polymorphism, but do not take any performance hit or memory overhead when 
polymorphism is not used.  If polymorphism is used, it doesn't affect the 
performance of non-polymorphic functions, and only requires a pointer to be 
stored in each object in order to reference the vtable.

Maybe you think I am implying that ALL structs will be allocated on the 
malloc heap.  No, no, no.  I am suggesting that a struct could be allocated 
on the heap or on the stack.  How would the syntax look?  Structs allocated 
on the stack would retain the same syntax.  The ones allocated on the heap 
would be allocated with the new operator.  These could be referenced using 
pointers, or maybe some form of reference type.  But the reference types 
would need to be explicitly declared like.

struct A { A(int x) {} }

A a = A(1); // stack allocation
A *a = new A(1); // possible syntax for heap allocation
A &a = new A(1); // another possible syntax, I'm sure there are other ideas.

>> Then the compiler could disallow taking the address of a class field, 
>> since we know the resulting pointer would pointer to the GC heap.  Note 
>> that this would be a compile-time check, and so would not degrade 
>> run-time performance.
> Ugly.
> What do you do for taking the address of a class variable? Well, okay, you 
> have to take the address of the reference; you can't take the address of 
> the variable directly. The current method is ugly and undefined behavior:
> *cast(void**)&obj;
> And you can assume that all pointers that point to that region of memory 
> have to be moved.
> The problem is granularity.
> class Foo {
>    Foo next;
>    size_t i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p;
> }
> Here, the current regime would mark *Foo as hasPointers. If i, j, k, l, m, 
> n, o, or p just happened to look like a pointer, they'd be changed. You'd 
> need to find where each object begins, then you'd need to go through the 
> offset type info to see which elements are really pointers.
> Since you're running the garbage collector, that's doable, if the offset 
> type info is currently available (I think it wasn't, last I checked, but I 
> don't really recall).

I'm not sure you understand what I'm proposing.  What you are talking about 
is run-time information used by the garbage collecter.  I'm talking about a 
compile-time restriction.  No checking anything at run-time, and so no 
performance hit.  Maybe the confusion stems from the fact that I didn't 
describe in detail how this would work.  That's because I haven't thought it 
through yet.  But I'm confident that there is a good way this restriction 
could enforced at compile-time.

>> Another idea would be to be able to pin GC objects.  C# allows this via 
>> the fixed keyword.  In D, it could work like this:
>> a) Preceding a pointer declaration with fixed would allow that pointer to 
>> take the address in the GC heap.
>> b) Pointer arithmetic would be disallowed for fixed pointers.
> Why?
> fixed float* four_floats = std.gc.malloc(4 * float.sizeof);
> fixed float* float_one = four_floats;
> fixed float* float_two = four_floats + 1;
> fixed float* float_three = four_floats + 2;
> fixed float* float_four = four_floats + 3;
> Seems fine to me. You might go beyond the allocated space, but that's 
> already undefined behavior.

Ok, point taken.  Pointer arithmetic might be useful.  I'm just trying to 
make it as safe as possible, and maybe disallowing this is going too far. 
However, your above example could be implemented without pointer arithmetic 
using a static array.

>> c) A fixed pointer will mark the corresponding GC object as "pinned" so 
>> that the GC knows not to move the object.
>> d) When the fixed pointer is changed or deallocated, it will unpin the 
>> object, and pin any new object that it refers to.
> While there is a fixed reference to the GC object, it is pinned. If that 
> reference is rebound to another GC object, the original object is unpinned 
> and the new one is pinned.

Right.  Pointer is the wrong word.  Sorry.

> How to mark these is a difficult problem. On a 64-bit machine, I'd say you 
> just use the most significant bit as a flag; you're not going to use 
> petabytes of address space.

I'm not sure what the best way would be because I don't know a lot of 
details about D's GC.

>> The fixed pointer will have to know whether or not it points to GC memory 
>> so that it doesn't pin non-GC objects.  Using the first idea, we can 
>> determine at compile time whether a pointer points to the heap or not.
> The fixed pointer will just stand there shouting "I am a fixed pointer! 
> Look on me and despair!" And the garbage collector will look where it's 
> pointing; if it is pointing at GC memory, the garbage collector will 
> indeed look on it and despair. Otherwise, it will ignore the fixedness.

Yes, that will work, but requires a run-time check (and a branch).  The 
run-time overhead for what you propose might end up being trivial, but I 
think it could be done at compile-time.

>> Yes, this would be a big change, but not as big as const IMO.  I feel if 
>> any feature warrants breaking some code, it would be high-performance GC. 
>> But maybe someone else can find a solution that doesn't break 
>> compatibility.
>> Thoughts?
>> -Craig

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