Hmm - about manifest/enum

Mike vertex at
Sat Dec 29 06:46:01 PST 2007

On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 06:35:41 +0100, Jarrett Billingsley  
<kb3ctd2 at> wrote:

> Congratulations, you've completed the circle.  See my thread on this  
> group
> from 6/4/2007.

Thanks :)

> Const isn't going to go away for the simple fact that there will always  
> be
> people who were raised on C++ who think that you *need* const to do
> *anything* and *anything else* is heresy.
> Sorry.  We lose.

That's interesting. My only exposure to const was in my last job (about 10  
years ago), where there was one const advocate. He also introduced  
hungarian notation (the Microsoft one), and I needed some years to get  
that one out of my head again. I'm still prefixing member variables with  
"m", but that's a huge improvement from "m_psz". It's interesting to see  
that this was the same person, and I kind of see a pattern: probably there  
was a book where some things were written and they were very convincing.

In the last weeks, reading the posts about this topic the question "why  
would I need this?" came up more and more. And this outrage about enum  
just did it for me: there must be something wrong if it only produces so  
much controversy and lots of arguments, again and again. I didn't really  
have an opinion until now, but I'm starting to oppose it.

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