Problems with Template codegen
foo at
Mon Feb 5 12:33:52 PST 2007
Chris Nicholson-Sauls wrote:
> kris wrote:
>> At this time, D templates are a bit finicky when it comes to argument
>> matching -- IFTI matching, to be explicit. For example:
>> # uint locate(T) (T[] source, T match, uint start=0);
>> #
>> # locate ("wumpus", 'p', 1);
>> will not compile because '1' is an integer literal, and does not match
>> the template parameter 'uint'.
>> To get around this, template writers will revert to tricks like this one:
>> # uint locate(T) (T[] source, T match, uint start=0);
>> #
>> # uint locate(T, U=uint) (T[] source, T match, U start=0)
>> # {
>> # return locate!(T) (source, match, start);
>> # }
>> #
>> # locate ("wumpus", 'p', 1);
>> See what's going on? There's a stub added, which marshalls (for want
>> of a better term) the 'int' argument across. This is done to (a)
>> permit use of both int & uint arguments and (b) to avoid template
>> duplication for both int and uint types.
>> So, that's a current shortcoming of IFTI -- but it's one that we hope
>> will be fixed. Moving onto the primary concern ...
>> As one would expect, the DM compiler generates code for the stub to
>> re-push the arguments and call the /real/ implementation. However, in
>> /all/ cases we really want to eliminate the stub since it is nothing
>> but a pass-through call; one generated to workaround what seems to be
>> an IFTI limitation.
>> Unfortunately, the DM tools will remove the stub /only/ when you use
>> the -inline switch. This is a very powerful switch, causing all kinds
>> of inlining to occur -- in some cases, things which many engineers
>> would balk at. Inline is often just too /big/ a switch to pull.
>> However, we'd still like darned stubs to be removed from the codegen.
>> How do we get that to happen?
> One notion would be to use the (T, U=uint) notation for the 'real'
> template and leave the stub out, but it defeats the original intent
> somewhat and doesn't really *solve* the problem.
That's right, because you wind up with multiple instantiations of the
same template, just for the same of supporting int type-variations.
> I'd say IFTI just
> needs to incorporate implicit casting rules such as int->uint and that
> would be a solution.
Right. But are we supposed to do in the interim?
- Kris
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