Embedded Documentation Suggestion - Inline param comments
robby.lansaw at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 10:58:46 PST 2007
Johan Granberg wrote:
> T.J. Crowder wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just heard about D and have been reading up. Wow. I'm coming from a C,
>> Java, and C# background and D looks extremely well thought-out in many
>> ways.
>> A suggestion on the embedded documentation front: In addition to the
>> current way of documenting params (in a Params section in the block
>> comment
>> above the method), allow them to be documented inline. That way, we don't
>> have to repeat the param name, which is in keeping with the guideline of
>> not telling the compiler things it already knows and D's excellent
>> emphasis on helping people avoid doing stupid things (like changing the
>> param name and forgetting to update the documentation block's copy).
>> E.g., the following:
>> /**
>> * Counts the occurrences of a character in a string.
>> * Params:
>> * str = The string
>> * c = The character
>> * Returns:
>> * The number of times the character appears in the string
>> */
>> int countOccurrences(char[] str, char c)
>> {
>> ...
>> }
>> could also be written:
>> /**
>> * Counts the occurrences of a character in a string.
>> * Returns: The number of times the character appears in the string.
>> */
>> int
>> countOccurrences(
>> char[] str, /// The string to search.
>> char c, /// The character to count.
>> )
>> {
>> ...
>> }
>> This is consistent with documenting other declarations. I like to put the
>> params on their own line anyway, and it would conserve a lot of vertical
>> space for people like me (for those who normally put all the params on one
>> line, there's no significant delta) while reducing duplication.
>> Just for the sake of completeness: I don't have a good suggestion for
>> doing
>> something similar with the return value. The logical extension would be
>> allowing the return comment inline between the return type declaration and
>> the method name:
>> /**
>> * Counts the occurrences of a character in a string.
>> */
>> int /// The number of times the character appears in the
>> string.
>> countOccurrences(
>> char[] str, /// The string to search.
>> char c, /// The character to count.
>> )
>> {
>> ...
>> }
>> ...but unlike the param names there's not really a strong reason for doing
>> so.
>> Apologies if this has been suggested before; searching for "param
>> documentation" and the like didn't turn it up in the first few pages...
>> FWIW,
>> --
>> T.J. Crowder
>> tj at crowdersoftware.com
> I like this suggestion.
> votes++
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