DMD's codeview info for classes

Walter Bright newshound at
Wed Feb 7 10:06:52 PST 2007

Jascha Wetzel wrote:
> Compiling with dmd -g creates 2 type
> strings for each class defined. One marked as a forward reference with
> the name of the class and all other fields set to zero and one with all
> fields filled out as expected and the name "<module_name>.<class_name>".
> The symbols that are instances of the class point to the fwdref version.
> This will only happen for classes defined in the module in which they
> are used. Imported classes will only have the non-fwdref version with
> full name.
> My problem is, that i couldn't find out how to properly determine the
> corresponding type string from a fwdref version (i.e. get from
> <class_name> to <module_name>.<class_name>), since the module name isn't
> declared in the debug info - it's used in mangled names, but not
> associated with the (source) module it belongs to.
> Am i missing something?
> Another thing is that structs appear to never have fwdref versions of
> their types like classes do. Instead, a struct always has a short name,
> regardless of whether they are defined externally or in the same module.
> This makes the names ambiguous if there are imported structs with
> identical names as locally defined ones.
> Since symbols will always point to the correct type string, this isn't
> really a problem, it's just unexpectedly inconsistent with the way
> classes are handled.

I think I can fix that.

> BTW - is there a reason why classes are declared as if they were
> pointers to structs (leaf type 0x0005) instead of being pointers to
> classes (leaf type 0x0004)?

I can fix that too <g>.

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