compile-time regex redux
foo at
Thu Feb 8 00:35:30 PST 2007
Robby wrote:
>>> Walter gave another good case study: Ruby on Rails. The success of
>>> Ruby on Rails has a lot to do with its ability to express
>>> abstractions that were a complete mess to deal with in concreteland.
>> Let look at that case study, then. The /real/ power in RoR comes from
>> being able to dynamically bind via rich reflection. What we're talking
>> about here does not add full reflection to D. Neither does it assist
>> in getting D modules dynamically loaded at runtime.
>> As it turns out, some of us are actively looking /specifically/ at the
>> killer RoR for D; far beyond what RoR does. Oddly enough, our working
>> name for it is - DeRailed -
>> We have solid notions of what's needed; and several of us have build
>> related platforms in the past. But this topic, at face value, doesn't
>> appear to help us in any notable fashion. Perhaps you can expain this
>> further?
>> - Kris
> I'm having a hard time putting together the association with RoR, DSL's
> and the regex feature together. Perhaps they're completely separate.
Me too. I failed to see any connection that would measurably assist
DeRailed. And the question above was sadly left unaddressed.
> RoR really doesn't express abstractions per se, Ruby does and very well
> actually. Actually the real power comment pertains to Ruby, instead of
> RoR - but I agree on it's intended meaning.
You're right of course.
> I've hacked around on a possible ActiveRecord 'wannabe'[1] from time to
> time over the past few weeks and must admit I constantly miss things
> that are just there in Ruby
> -some of the things I'm aware are going to be hard to transcribe to D
> due to it's background - blocks
blocks can be emulated, with delegates?
> -some things that just haven't been implemented yet - true dynamic
> information/loading,
Absolutely. There's a number of projects currently looking into that,
but 'raw' D has very little support at this time.
> -somethings that just don't represent themselves well in D - symbols,
> *everything* is an object.
> But the languages as they are are pretty close to each other (pretty
> painless interfacing to c code, mixins etc.
> Not you directly Kris, however I've seen mentioned a few times about
> needing an RoR of D (an en mass application to bring in new developers.)
> There are significant downsides to this situation should it happen[2]
> and there are issues with having such an application.
Yeah. We figure it's better to have it than not, and intend to address a
lot of the RoR concerns bandied around the blogosphere.
> I personally came to D for a few reasons, which is probably too long to
> bring here, however one of the things I liked about using Ruby almost
> exclusively was the pure readability that came with the language by
> design[3]. I find D quite readable at present, I just hope it doesn't
> lose that edge for meta programming concepts.[4]
> If I could ask for one feature.. it would be bringing the method with an
> array argument over to all built in types. While the built in type
> wouldn't be object based such as ruby's, the approach would be quite nice.
> I must admit, with over 200 feeds I read throughout the day I find
> myself reading more and more in this set of NG's, I'm enjoying the
> insight, and D and its community should be proud of the community it's
> fostered.. it's quite nice.
> And personally, IMO a compiled, c style Rebol'ish setup would be the
> 'one killer app', the amount of wow that little 'engine that could' does
> is awesome..
> Robby
> [1] any central point of contact for DeRailed? I'd be willing to sling
> code, thoughts if there is one.
Catch us via the Tango site and/or IRC? Always good to have extra pair
of (willing) hands :)
> [2]
> shows the downsides to the whole utopia application issue
> [3]Allowing '?' as a final character to an indentifier and the
> convention for representing boolean methods is a simple and pure example
> among others.
> [4]Yeah, I've read "Beating the Averages" by Graham and I understand
> that the readability will come with learning.. but I'm coming from a new
> user point of view...
> Context: I've written in Ruby for over 4 years, and have used Rails
> since inception so I'm not used to the compile time frame of mind (thus
> I'm pretty useless to a thread such as this :))
We'd like you on-board with DeRailed :)
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