another idea for compile time functions
Kevin Bealer
kevinbealer at
Thu Feb 8 23:37:01 PST 2007
Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email) wrote:
> janderson wrote:
>> Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email) wrote:
>>> Hasan Aljudy wrote:
>>> [snip]
>>>> The trick may lie in letting the compiler recognize these kind of
>>>> functions. A simple solution might me to come up with a new
>>>> attribute; let's call it "meta":
>>>> # meta int add( int x, int y ) { return x + y; }
>>>> This attribute will assist the compiler in recognizing that this
>>>> function can be computed at compile time if it's given constant
>>>> arguments.
>>> This is much in keep with my idea on how metaprogramming should be
>>> done, with the little semantic nit that "meta" should be "dual" as
>>> add has dual functionality.
>>> The attribute is not even needed if meta-code is flagged as such. My
>>> thoughts currently gravitate around the idea of using mixin as an
>>> escape into compile-time world. Anything that's printed to standard
>>> output in compile-time world becomes code, e.g. (using your function):
>>> mixin
>>> {
>>> writefln("int x = ", add(10, 20), ";");
>>> }
>>> is entirely equivalent to:
>>> int x = 30;
>>> No annotation is needed on add because mixin clarifies that it's
>>> called during compilation. The compiler will complain if add cannot
>>> be user dually.
>>> Using mixin and write as separation devices makes it very clear what
>>> is to be done when; otherwise, it quickly becomes confusing what code
>>> is meant to actually get evaluated eagerly, and what code is to
>>> actually be "output" for compilation.
>>> The not-so-nice thing is that we get to manipulate numbers, strings,
>>> and arrays, not trees like in LISP.
>>> Andrei
>> Although I like this idea, I fear it will not work for anything hidden
>> in a library (if you are using something that is moved to a .lib, your
>> code will stop working). Maybe that's ok. Actually now I think about
>> it, that would be safer, because even if the D compiler could put an
>> "ok" signatures in a library, someone could create fake signatures.
> Good point. This is reasonable. To execute code during compilation it's
> reasonable to expect transparency. C++ commercial vendors did not really
> suffer financial loss due to this requirement, and at any rate, OSS is
> on the rise :o).
>> It could get confusing if you don't know which functions will work and
>> which won't. Perhaps the compiler could help there (spit out a list
>> of functions u can use or something).
> Yes, that's a documentation issue. The nice thing is that a plethora of
> really useful functions (e.g. string manipulation) can be written in D's
> subset that can be interpreted. Pretty much the entire string library
> will be meta-executable. No more need for the metastrings lib!
>> I think the compiler would compile these commands on demand and cache
>> them so it doesn't need to do them every time. That would help a lot.
>> It could even cache results so it only needs to compute them once.
>> Anyways, there i think there is so much possibility with compile time
>> coding.
> Me too. Once compile-time interpretation (and mutation) makes it in, I
> think there's no fear of efficiency loss anymore. Speed will be
> comparable to that of any interpreted code, and there are entire
> communities that don't have a problem with that.
> The question is, what is the subset of D that can be interpreted? I'm
> thinking:
> * Basic data types (they will be stored as a dynamically-typed variant
> anyway), except pointers to functions and delegates.
> * Arrays and hashes
> * Basic expressions (except 'is', 'delete' et al.)
> * if, for, foreach, while, do, switch, continue, break, return
> I'm constructing this list thinking what it takes to write basic data
> manipulation functions. What did I forget?
> Andrei
Simple answer: the intersection of a simple interpreted language and D.
What can D do that a scripted language cannot? Take that out.
Approaching it from another angle, imagine I have a parse tree and I'm
writing code to interpret it... what do I want to leave out?
- inline asm
- exceptions
- synchronization and volatile and related
- calls to C (though this might prompt some rewriting of Phobos to avoid
calling things like strlen() if they aren't builtins/intrinsics.
What I see as a bigger snag is processing order. The whole D universe
expects to be able to forward or backward reference anything regardless
of how it is defined.
Let's say I have these two functions:
char[] foo(char[] a, char[] b) metaok;
char[] bar(char[] a, char[] b, char[] c) metaok;
The metaok keyword means "this can be run at compile time."
Suppose further that bar(a,b,c) calls foo(a,b) as a base case, and that
both are generated via the "meta" mechanism. No mutual recursion or
anything though.
What order do you compile them in? Obviously, foo then bar -- bar needs
foo to be runable at compile time.
I love the idea of makeing all of std.strings compile-time-able, but the
D compiler sees the code as a big array of unrelated functions right now
(or it can if it chooses to.)
With this stuff, the compiler is thrown back into the shell or C world
where every function definition and execution is an event in a history,
and order is everything.
The alternative I prefer, is to collect all function definitions, sort
out the dependency order in the compiler using graphs or what not, and
work in that order. To be consistent with D philosophy as I see it, the
detection of cycles in this graph should be flagged like an ambiguous
That should be okay, but when compiling across modules it might get
somewhat harder...?
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