opIndexAddAssign? ...

BCS BCS at pathlink.com
Fri Feb 9 11:40:42 PST 2007

Manfred Nowak wrote:
> On writing the implementation of a map, where the Valuetype is a set, I 
> had to stop on recognizing, that only opIndexAssign is permitted.
> I.e.:
>   map[ key]+= element;
> has no possible overload.
> OpIndex delivers an rvalue and the only possibility to get an lvalue is 
> in conjunction with a plain assignment.
> Why arbitrary restrictions when the goal is to have great 
> expressiveness? 
> -manfred

It could have some nasty side effect but, have opIndex return a 
struct/object that shadows the original and overloads opAddAssign.

class F
	T[] i
	class N
		this(inout T l){j=&l;}
		T* j;
		T opAddAssign(T k)
			return this;

	N opIndex(int ind)
		return new N(i[ind]);

On second thought, don't

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