Super-dee-duper D features

janderson askme at
Mon Feb 12 00:27:05 PST 2007

Walter Bright wrote:
> kris wrote:
> 7) A lot of companies have outlawed C++ templates, and for good reason. 
> I believe that is not because templates are inherently bad. I think that 
> C++ templates are a deeply flawed because they were ***never designed 
> for the purpose to which they were put***.

Very true.

At a previous employ the major reason templates where outlawed was 
because they caused compilation time to slow down dramatically, if you 
didn't know what you where doing.

The other reason was like you say, they get very complex to understand 
quickly for all but the most simple cases.  Unfortunately without 
templates you generally end up writing more code or at the least, less 
efficient code.  Which is a maintenance headache.


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