RoR, Judge Judy, and little old ladies

Robby robby.lansaw at
Mon Feb 12 10:24:48 PST 2007

Bruno Medeiros wrote:
> Hum, in the context of the previous discussion of 1.005 features, I too 
> have been trying to understand what makes Rails so special. After 
> reading that article, it is my understanding that most of the goodness 
> of Rails comes from the ability to generate Ruby code from the 
> database's SQL schema, where that Ruby code handles all or most of the 
> ORM logic. Is that correct? If so, is there anything special about Ruby 
> about the language of Rails? Couldn't a similar framework be made for 
> other languages, like Java for example, with similar results as Rails?
In this context, yes. Matter in fact there is several implementations of 
active record (the ORM logic) coming in from other languages. Keep in 
mind that Rails is a MVC stack for the web, written in Ruby. The ORM is 
just one contribution.
> Also, from the article, I've identified two DSLs: SQL and rhtml (the 
> equivalent of Java's JSPs). 
In the interest of accuracy there's also yaml (an xml like language, 
without the cruft), rjs (javascript templating etc). SQL isn't directly 
used as a DSL, the metadata via database apis is used to generate code.

In both cases, Ruby code is generated from
> code in these two DSLs, but that code generation is performed not by the 
> Ruby compiler during compile-time, but by an external tool (similar to 
> parser generators for example).
No, it's done with Ruby during run time, using Ruby's dynamic and 
reflective abilities.

  If so, that would be mean that the D
> 1.005 features are not necessarily required or useful for the "enabling 
> of such applications", which I think was the point kris was making in 
> the Derailed DSL thread ago. Good interoping with DSLs is decisive, but 
> that doesn't mean the interoping needs to be done at compile-time, by 
> the compiler.
> Is this correct?

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