Super-dee-duper D features
foo at
Tue Feb 13 19:42:39 PST 2007
Bill Baxter wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>>>> --bb
>>> Why would it return a tuple? Would the collection content be of
>>> differing types? If not, then the InterleavedIterator would likely
>>> have an opApply() for use in the foreach? That's how the Tango one
>>> operates, fwiw.
>> I must not understand what your InterleavedIterator does then. I'm
>> thinking of something like:
>> char[][] names = ["chuck", "barney", "bart"];
>> int[] ids = [12983, 32345, 39284];
>> foreach (x; InterleavedIterator(names,ids)) {
>> writefln("Name=%s id=%s", x[0], x[1]);
>> }
> And here's a partial hypothetical implementation
> struct InterleavedIterator(Types...)
> {
> alias GetElementTypes!(Types) ElemTypes;
> static InterleavedIterator opCall(Types arg) {
> InterleavedIterator lists = arg;
> }
> int opApply( int delegate(inout ElemTypes) body) {
> ElemTypes x;
> for(uint i=0; i<; i++) {
> foreach(j,inout L; lists) x[j] = L[i];
> int ret = body(x);
> if (ret) return ret;
> }
> return 0;
> }
> Types lists;
> }
> Obviously it doesn't work right now because you can't do some of those
> things with tuples. But it would be nice if you could. We're really
> not too far from something like that working. Especially when inout
> gets sorted out.
> Making tuples more powerful and general, IMHO, would have many benefits.
> In the static,strongly typed functional languages like ML and haskell,
> lists and tuples are the core data structures. They're pretty similar
> to D tuples, except in ML and haskell you can return them from functions
> and otherwise manipulate them as first-class entities.
> --bb
Yes, would be wonderful if D could support Tuples in that manner :)
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