Instantiating template classes with default template arguments

Sean Kelly sean at
Wed Feb 14 11:21:52 PST 2007

Currently, this is illegal:

     class C( T = int ) {}

     void main() {
         C val = new C;

However, I'm not sure I've ever completely understood the reason for it. 
  The intent seems clear: use class type C with the default template 
arguments.  From a 1000' perspective, this seems no different than the 
following legal case (please note that the leading default is useless):

     class C( T = int, T = int ) {}

     void main() {
         C!(int) val = new C!(int);

Resolving specializations isn't an issue either, since resolving with 
with one supplied argument is the same as resolving with no supplied 
arguments.  I don't suppose there is any chance of this changing?  And 
if not, can someone please explain why?

For what it's worth, I realize that the following works:

     class C( T = int ) {}

     void main() {
         C!() val = new C!();

but the "!()" just amounts to semantic noise IMO.  Is it truly 
necessary, given that the symbol "C" must be unique anyway?  As a use 
case, it would allow this:

     class String( T = char ) {}
     alias String!(wchar) WString;

instead of this:

     class StringImpl!( T ) {}
     alias StringImpl!(char)  String;
     alias StringImpl!(wchar) WString;

which currently makes extending library classes somewhat confusing to 
new users (reference the std::basic_string issue in C++).


P.S. In writing this, I discovered that the following code compiles when 
it should not:

     class C( T = int, U = int ) {}
     class C( T = int, U : char = int ) {}

     void main()
         auto c = new C!(int);

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