Suggestion: class/struct tuples preserve anonymous unions/structs
Jarrett Billingsley
kb3ctd2 at
Thu Feb 15 05:40:09 PST 2007
"Frits van Bommel" <fvbommel at> wrote in message
news:er1cc3$3sr$1 at
> I don't think it's being "flattened out" by the type tuple mechanism, I
> think it happens *before* that. They're not created as secret types, they
> just seem to use different rules for offset calculation.
> I'm not really sure whether or not this is a bug in the compiler, but it
> happens.
I was kind of worried about that. Well we can hope..
> template validate(T, size_t Idx = 0) {
> static assert(!is(T == union), T.stringof ~ " is a union itself!");
> static assert(!is(typeof(T.tupleof)[Idx] == union),
> "Member " ~ Idx.stringof ~ " of " ~ T.stringof ~ " is a union");
> static if (Idx + 1 < T.tupleof.length) {
> // check overlap caused by anonymous union members
> static assert(T.tupleof[Idx].offsetof + T.tupleof[Idx].sizeof <=
> T.tupleof[Idx + 1].offsetof,
> "Member " ~ Idx.stringof ~ " of " ~ T.stringof ~ " overlaps
> the next member");
> // and check the other members
> mixin validate!(T, Idx + 1);
> }
> static if (Idx < T.tupleof.length) {
> // Recurse into member structs
> static if (is(typeof(T.tupleof)[Idx] == struct))
> mixin validate!(typeof(T.tupleof)[Idx]);
> // uncomment these lines to recurse into member class references
> as well:
> //else static if (is(typeof(T.tupleof)[Idx] == class))
> // mixin validate!(typeof(T.tupleof)[Idx]);
> }
> }
Thanks for this :) I was thinking it might be possible to check the
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