Compile time function execution...

Walter Bright newshound at
Thu Feb 15 13:00:37 PST 2007

Michiel wrote:
> That's a great feature! A couple of questions, if I may:
> * Can sqrt still call another function?

Yes, as long as that function can also be compile time executed. 
Recursion works, too.

> * Does it still work if classes or structs are involved in any way? What
> about enums? What about arrays?

No, yes, array literals only.

> * Why is the second sqrt(10) run at runtime?

Because the compiler cannot tell if it is a reasonable thing to try and 
execute it at compile time. To force it to happen at compile time:

template eval(A...) { alias A eval; }

writefln("%s", eval!(sqrt(10)));

which works because templates can only take constants as value arguments.

> In theory it's still a
> constant, right?


> Is this something that will work in a later version?

I don't see a motivating reason why, at the moment, given the eval template.

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