overloading operators for I/O

renoX renosky at free.fr
Thu Feb 15 14:06:04 PST 2007

Don Clugston a écrit :
> I agree. There's another problem -- it(<<) really doesn't scale well. With 
> printf, you can do "%3.5f" to print a floating point number with a given 
> precision. With <<, that same operation is really horrible.

Agreed, and writef is even better:
writef("x is %d",vx," y is %g\n",vy);

No need to put the format string on one side and variables on the other 

It has still deficiencies:
- a syntax 'a la Ruby' would permit to see better the resulting string:
writef("x is %{vx}, y is %{vy}\n"); of course you could still specify 
the format if you want: writef("x is %08x{vx}\n");

- why writef doesn't call to_String on struct or on a type?
typedef int foo;

char[] toString(foo x)
	return "foo";

doesn't work as expected in a writef, same with a struct defining a 
toString function..


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