Writing a library

Frits van Bommel fvbommel at REMwOVExCAPSs.nl
Fri Feb 16 11:39:10 PST 2007

Mn wrote:
> Is it possible to use the COM with D?

Yes. The last section of http://www.digitalmars.com/d/interface.html :
COM Interfaces

A variant on interfaces is the COM interface. A COM interface is 
designed to map directly onto a Windows COM object. Any COM object can 
be represented by a COM interface, and any D object with a COM interface 
can be used by external COM clients.

A COM interface is defined as one that derives from the interface 
std.c.windows.com.IUnknown. A COM interface differs from a regular D 
interface in that:

     * It derives from the interface std.c.windows.com.IUnknown.
     * It cannot be the argument of a DeleteExpression.
     * References cannot be upcast to the enclosing class object, nor 
can they be downcast to a derived interface. To accomplish this, an 
appropriate QueryInterface() would have to be implemented for that 
interface in standard COM fashion.

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