Lib change leads to larger executables

Sean Kelly sean at
Thu Feb 22 12:08:46 PST 2007

Kristian Kilpi wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Feb 2007 18:32:18 +0200, Frits van Bommel 
> <fvbommel at> wrote:
>> Sean Kelly wrote:
>>> Ideally, perhaps a linker could provide both options: link fast and 
>>> potentially bloat the exe or link carefully (and slowly) for a lean 
>>> exe.  I'd use the fast link for debugging and the slow link for 
>>> releases. Assuming, of course, that the linker were reliable enough 
>>> that there was no risk of changing app behavior between the two.
>> That might not be the case here: if a module's object file is pulled 
>> in, that module's static constructors and destructors are called at 
>> runtime, right? So if different modules are pulled in with those 
>> options, different static constructors/destructors get called.
>> (Same goes for unit tests, if enabled, by the way)
> Hmm, yes, but how that's different from the today's situation? Currently 
> the linker chooses *arbitrary* object modules that happen to contain the 
> needed typeinfo.

Because as long as the list of dependencies remains unchanged, the same 
arbitrary choices should be made.


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