Template question
nomail at please.com
Thu Feb 22 12:57:11 PST 2007
I'm not yet familiar enough with the template system to do this.
I wrote the following function:
Set!(T[0]) set(T ...)(T elements) {
auto result = new Set!(T[0]);
foreach (element; elements) {
return result;
This gives a nice set literal syntax with implicit type deduction.
auto x = set(4, 5, 6, 99);
But the user of the function should also have the option to use it like
auto x = set!(int);
To create the empty set (that can hold int). How can I implement this?
PS: I would have liked to skip the type altogether for the empty set,
but the problem appears when you want to put something inside that set.
I've considered using a dummy type and to somehow construct the correct
set-type after the first insert, but it wouldn't be consistent with
normal sets and altogether too much trouble.
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