Using D, not developing D...

Frits van Bommel fvbommel at
Sat Feb 24 00:03:05 PST 2007

just jeff wrote:
> Well, even if it's too much work for Walter at the moment, it could be 
> worth considering this for GDC.

Well, GCC already has the "-std=" switch that can be used to select 
different C and C++ standards[1]. IIRC these actually disallow new 
features, even if non-breaking. So there's definitely precedent for it 
there. Perhaps a -std=d1 could be added to GDC?
This would probably add some maintenance cost to GDC if it isn't done in 
the DMD front-end, though.

[1]: -std=c99 for the latest C version (as far as it is supported), 
-std=gnu99 for the same + GNU extensions, and similarly 
-std=gnu++98/std=c++98 for C++ with and without extensions. And a bunch 
more for older standards and amended standards.

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