Get address of overloaded function

Kirk McDonald kirklin.mcdonald at
Sat Feb 24 11:59:57 PST 2007

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
> "Frank Benoit (keinfarbton)" <benoit at> wrote in 
> message news:erpk4o$1oom$1 at
>>I want to assign a function ptr to a void* variable.
>>There are no compile error in case the function is a overloaded one. Is
>>this a bug?
>>How to select the correct function? I tried a cast, and it seams to work.
>>void fnc(){}
>>void fnc(int a ){}
>>void * ptr = cast(void*)cast( void function( int )) & fnc;
> Yes, that does seem to choose the (int) overload.  Although what's really 
> odd is that getting the address of fnc without any cast before it gets the 
> address of the overload that was defined first.  Personally I think it 
> should be an error, as it's ambiguous.. 

What we really need is a way to get a tuple of all of the function types 
associated with a given symbol. Something like:

fnc.tupleof => Tuple!(void function(), void function(int))

Making the above an error without providing a mechanism like this would 
adversely affect Pyd, for example.

Kirk McDonald
Pyd: Connecting D and Python

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