Request: make coff2omf free

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Sat Feb 24 19:03:10 PST 2007

"Walter Bright" <newshound at> wrote in message 
news:erqm3h$2a3$1 at
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> Or if it is then maybe Walter should provide a web-based coff2omf 
>> service.  $2 a pop, and if it doesn't work you don't pay.  Or something 
>> like that.  I might give that a try.  :-)
> It's only $15. And I've been known to give refunds to people it didn't 
> work for, even though I think each of the utilities in the EUP are easily 
> worth $15 by themselves. OBJ2ASM in particular!

Why is that free with the Linux distro, though?  :( 

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