D Conference 2007 ? How about co-location?
Bill Baxter
dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Mon Feb 26 15:39:30 PST 2007
Justin C Calvarese wrote:
> Frank Benoit (keinfarbton) wrote:
>> The posting in D.announce 11/16/06
> http://www.digitalmars.com/webnews/newsgroups.php?art_group=digitalmars.D.announce&article_id=5536
> for those that like the web interface
>> Anything new about this?
> Well, all I know is what people posted in that old thread.
> Some people showed interest in attending such a conference, but there
> was much disagreement about where it should be held. Walter proposed
> having it in Seattle, Washington or Astoria, Oregon, but that seemed
> like too expensive of a trip for most people that responded in the
> newsgroup.
> Other places were mentioned by other people. In short, everywhere seemed
> to be too far away (i.e., too expensive) for most people (i.e. whoever
> doesn't already live there).
D may be too small at the moment to really be able to swing a dedicated
conference. But the alternative is to co-locate with a bigger
conference that lots of people will be going to anyway, then hold a
"Birds of a Feather" meeting on site or nearby.
The only big conference I go to is SIGGRAPH, but I suspect that's a
destination not too many of you are headed for. FWIW, it'll be in San
Diego this August 5-9. But I'd definitely be interested in having a D
Birds of a Feather there if anyone else is interested.
So what conferences are everyone going to attend this year? SD West is
maybe popular? GDC (not the compiler)?
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