feature request, refactor std.stream.Stream
Ben Hinkle
bhinkle at mathworks.com
Wed Jan 3 08:23:37 PST 2007
"BCS" <BCS at pathilink.com> wrote in message
news:emv92t$2c5$2 at digitaldaemon.com...
> The InputStream and OutputStream interfaces are all but unusable because
> they have such a huge number of methods to implements, however most of
> them are implemented by the Stream class in a vary abstract way (all build
> on 4 or 5 low level methods). This is all well and good until you want to
> implement Input/OutputStream with some other class (Thread in my case)
> Why not put all of those function in a pair of mixins? Then anyone who
> needs to make a stream like object could just implement the half dozen low
> level things and mix in a big chunk of code.
> class ThreadStream : InputStream OutputStream Thread
> {
> mixin InputMixin!();
> mixin OutputMixin!();
> size_t readBlock(void* buffer, size_t size){...}
> size_t writeBlock(void* buffer, size_t size){...}
> ulong seek(long offset, SeekPos whence){...}
> }
I tried that once briefly and ran into scoping issues since mixins can't see
private functions elsewhere and vice versa. I didn't try very hard, though.
It would be great to see a serious attempt at it.
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