Native apps on Vista (was Re: D, Java? To D or not to D?)
Carlos Santander
csantander619 at
Fri Jan 5 17:28:26 PST 2007
Sean Kelly escribió:
> If I remember correctly, .NET has a way of running native apps in a sandbox
> to apply its security features to the app. During Microsoft's presentation,
> my first thought was "so this is how they plan to get MS Office running
> under .NET." In theory it's kind of a neat idea, but the code security
> features are so badly designed that I don't expect them to be very popular.
> The maintenance app in the control panel is ghastly, and in code I think it's
> actually possible to override code security if it's too much of an obstacle.
> I can't remember the details of this last feature so I may be remembering it
> wrong, but at the time I was amazed that it was part of the design.
> Sean
Guest escribió:
> I'm sorry for my long reply time. I've read a couple of articles on running
> native apps in Vista and they have all said that it will be ran in a box that
> supplies imense security features to protect the user. It will abort the app
> as soon as it starts looking suspicious. That's the box I'm talking about.
> So really you should use a .NET language on Vista because the .NET already
> has the security and won't be ran in a box. I've also read the box will
> severely limit your programs access to resources (such as:
> files,hardware,etc.).
> I wish I wrote the url's down of those web pages so I could directly link
> them to you and when I start reading up on vista again. I will re reply with
> a list of url's you may visit.
> Guest
Two very similar answers with different points of view. Thanks guys!
Carlos Santander Bernal
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