Native apps on Vista (was Re: D, Java? To D or not to D?)

Don Clugston dac at
Mon Jan 8 02:59:49 PST 2007

Guest wrote:
> Carlos Santander Wrote:
>> Guest escribió:
>>> Only real reason to use C# is for Win Vista apps since native apps run in a
>>> very suspicious box.
>> Would you care to explain that, please? I haven't used Vista so I don't know 
>> what you're talking about.
>> -- 
>> Carlos Santander Bernal
> I'm sorry for my long reply time.  I've read a couple of articles on running native apps in Vista and they have all said that it will be ran in a box that supplies imense security features to protect the user.  It will abort the app as soon as it starts looking suspicious.  That's the box I'm talking about.  So really you should use a .NET language on Vista because the .NET already has the security and won't be ran in a box.  I've also read the box will severely limit your programs access to resources (such as: files,hardware,etc.).

I find that a bit hard to believe. Consider what fraction of high-end 
PCs are used for games, which are almost exclusively native apps. 
Microsoft cannot afford to alienate that market.

> I wish I wrote the url's down of those web pages so I could directly link them to you and when I start reading up on vista again.  I will re reply with a list of url's you may visit.
> Guest

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