suggested improvements to D (popcount and first1)
Warren D Smith
wds at
Tue Jan 9 10:57:21 PST 2007
reply to Don Clugston
Yes, the "repeated doubling of wisdom"
bitcount routine you wrote is a good way to do it.
Also, more brute-force, but on many machines faster, is to use
precomputed popcount lookup tables.
Lookup tables can also be used to implement first1, and so
can a "repeated wisdom doubling" approach to implement a binary search.
Another way to do first1(uint x) is first to compute y=x^(x-1) which if x!=0
is a uint with a single 1 bit located at the same place as the
least-significant 1 bit in x, and second to hash y, for example
use y%C as the hash function [value in {0..C-1}] and you cleverly choose the
constant C so that this hash function always gives different values
for different y of this form (i.e. perfect hash)
and do a hash-table lookup in a C-entry table.
If I recall right, which I may not, C=63 works.
Unfortunately the "%" is slow on the hardware I used.
All that is suckingly slow compared to hardware support, though.
>Are there many applications of [add with carry, etc]
>OTHER than bignum arithmetic? My
>feeling is that you'd always want to do bignum in asm anyway.
>Note that D is a great language for writing asm in; you can have a
>single source code shared between Windows, *nix, and the new x86 >Macs.
But I want to write PORTABLE, i.e. not-asm, bignum code.
Why is the language denying me the power of the machine?
That is the opposite of its job. Especially if we are talking
about a power that every machine provides.
It is kind of like saying: "you can only breathe air from now on, if
you use a gas mask. This is a great advance in technology versus just
breathing, so be happy."
The other main application of add-with-carry is to spot integer overflow.
Look, if you just provide, e.g.
AddWithCarry( in uint x, in uint y, out uint z, out bool carry )
DoubleMultiply( in uint32 x, in uint32 y, out uint64 z )
[or maybe two out-arguments, an uper and lower one]
FullDivide( in uint64 y, in uint32 z, out uint32 quotient,
out uint32 remainder )
and similar stuff, problem is over. (Ignore my crappy syntax,
just use this idea but with better syntax.)
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