Stack or heap? What's that?

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at
Sat Jan 13 09:08:35 PST 2007

orgoton wrote:
> One difference between C and D is that data is allocated on the heap instead
> of the stack or something like that.

Not much like that, actually.

Variables of primitive, struct, union and static array types are 
allocated on the stack.

Dynamic arrays and class objects are allocated on the heap.  Of course, 
if such types are declared as local variables, then references to this 
data on the heap will be allocated on the stack.

> What does that mean?

A stack is a last in first out (LIFO) buffer.  _The_ stack is the LIFO 
buffer that keeps track of the current nesting of function calls and the 
values of local variables.

The heap is an area of memory set aside for dynamic allocation.  In C++, 
the new and delete keywords are used to allocate and deallocate memory 
on the heap.  In D, the following actions allocate memory on the heap:

- creating a new object or array using new
- setting the .length of a dynamic array, if it hasn't already been 
allocated or needs to grow and there isn't room for it to grow in place
- concatenating arrays using ~= under the same conditions
- concatenating arrays using ~
- calling .dup on an array

and the garbage collector deallocates memory, so normally you don't need 
to worry about memory management.

Usually, the only time you need to worry about whether something's on 
the heap or the stack is when returning from a function.  A common 
newbie error seems to be to do something like

     int[] returnAnArray() {
         int[10] result;
         result[] = 42;
         return result;

which won't work because you're returning a reference to data held on 
the stack, and this reference will be invalid once the function has 
returned.  For it to work, you'd have to cause the array to be on the 
heap by doing either

     int[] result = new int[10];


     int[] result;
     result.length = 10;

or return a copy of the array instead:

     return result.dup;

Of course, it's OK to do something like

     int returnAnInt() {
         int result = 69;
         return result;

since an int is returned by value - but usually you wouldn't declare a 
result variable like this unless you were doing something more involved.



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