Comparison chart worries
jeffrparsons at
Sat Jan 13 18:36:26 PST 2007
>> (...) Several other
>> features you claim are "important" are really not (like multiple
>> inheritance, which is dangerous to begin with).
Huh? Don't the D docs -support- this stance?
Other than that, I have to agree that the comparison chart seems to me
to be a bit zealous, and could do more harm than good in its current state.
Maybe instead of just having big shiny green "Yes" and "No" labels
(supported occasionally by footnotes) the table could be modified to
note in-line
- which features are provided by the language;
- which are provided by the standard library; and
- which are absent from both (regardless of whether they're implemented
in other popular libraries because, well, with enough hacks you can
implement almost anything in some external library, and that doesn't
necessarily make it useful or usable! :P).
Perhaps a green "Yes (core)", an amber "Yes (std library)" and a red "No"?
Might I suggest #FF77FF, #FFBB77 and #FF7777 to give our eyes a rest? ;)
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