implicit casts with dmd ver 1.0

Dave Dave_member at
Fri Jan 19 07:51:06 PST 2007

Peter Blicharski wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm having trouble with the sample code shipped with dmd Ver 1.0
> During compilation i encounter implicit cast errors (file dhry.d)
> By the way, the the dfl window library code is full of these error, too.
> Isn't the dmd compiler supposed to make a cast from char[] to char*
> without error? Or is it needed to always make an explicit cast?

This was due to a change right before v1.0.

You can use arr.ptr to avoid the explicit cast. If it has to be null terminated (for example to pass 
into an extern (C) function) you can use std.string.toStringz().

> Best regards
> Peter Blicharski

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