DMD's codeview types for arrays
Jascha Wetzel
"[firstname]" at
Sun Jan 21 09:45:59 PST 2007
Walter Bright wrote:
> Jascha Wetzel wrote:
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> That's possible. What debugger are you using?
>> I'm writing it ;)
> Ahh, I see now.
I've put together an alpha version of my debugger, that uses mangled
types, if available, in all symbol names to interpret the data at runtime:
Included is a test program that declares some of it's variables with
mangled typenames, as i explained before. Some array expression
evaluation already works if enough type information is available.
Slicing only works for char arrays, yet.
Here is an example debug session with the files from the above archive:
C:>ddbg.exe debuggee.exe
Process started
ntdll.dll loaded
KERNEL32.dll loaded
USER32.dll loaded
GDI32.dll loaded
Unknown breakpoint hit at 0x7C901230
->bp deb:45
Breakpoint set: src\debuggee.d:45 0x40217c
IMM32.dll loaded
ADVAPI32.dll loaded
RPCRT4.dll loaded
LPK.dll loaded
USP10.dll loaded
msvcrt.dll loaded
Breakpoint 0 hit src\debuggee.d:45 0x40217c
if ( _D4argsAAa.length > 1 )
src\debuggee.d:48 0x40219d
writefln("No arguments today, boring...");
No arguments today, boring...
src\debuggee.d:50 0x4021b6
uint[] _D4testGk = [0xdeadbeef, 0xbaadf00d, 0xf00baaa];
src\debuggee.d:51 0x4021db
int index = 1;
src\debuggee.d:52 0x4021e2
uint num_chars = printArgs(_D4argsAAa);
src\debuggee.d:24 0x402080
uint printArgs(char[][] _D4argsAAa)
->bp deb:38
Breakpoint set: src\debuggee.d:38 0x402157
arg #0: C:\Documents and Settings\jascha\My
Breakpoint 1 hit src\debuggee.d:38 0x402157
qwer q = new asdf;
Scope: uint debuggee.printArgs(char[][])
char[][] args [ebp+8] = ["C:\Documents and Settings\jascha\My
uint numchars [ebp-72] = 0x0000004f
char[] test [ebp-64] = "asdfqwer1234"
float[] ztui [ebp-56] = [234.657806]
void* _TMP1 [ebp-48] = 0x0012ff54
ulong _TMP2 [ebp-40] = 0x0012ff5400000001
int i [ebp-32] = 1
char[] a [ebp-24] = "C:\Documents and Settings\jascha\My
char[] numstr [ebp-16] = "0"
[ebp-8] = Symbol q has unknown type (ddl says: [custom: 0x1003]
q [bp-8])
->= ztui[0]
->= args[0][0..12]
src\debuggee.d:38 qwer q = new asdf;
00402157: 6808414100 push dword 0x414108
0040215c: e8e3010000 call 0x402344
00402161: 8945f8 mov [ebp-0x8], eax
src\debuggee.d:39 q.test2();
00402164: 8b18 mov ebx, [eax]
00402166: ff5318 call dword near [ebx+0x18]
src\debuggee.d:40 return numchars;
00402169: 8b45b8 mov eax, [ebp-0x48]
0040216c: 83c404 add esp, 0x4
src\debuggee.d:41 }
0040216f: 5f pop edi
00402170: 5e pop esi
00402171: 5b pop ebx
00402172: c9 leave
00402173: c20800 ret 0x8
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