challenge: implement the max function

Don Clugston dac at
Sun Jan 21 23:52:08 PST 2007

Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email) wrote:
> Here's a simple challenge: implement the max function. Requirements:
> a) generic
> b) efficient
> c) preserve lvalueness when possible such that one can write e.g.
> max(arr[0], arr[1]) *= 0.9;
> d) should accept two or more arguments
> e) should return the "smartest" type, e.g. max of an unsigned int and 
> unsigned long should return unsigned long
> f) short and easy to understand
> I don't think it's possible to implement the function to the spec in 
> current D, so designs are allowed to invent new features, as long as 
> they define them thoroughly.
> Looking forward to any takers!
> Andrei

Here's an implementation I put into Tango a few days ago. Unlike some 
other ones which have been posted, it does *not* require the types to 
support operator '+'. This was only for two arguments, but I believe it 
satisfies the other requirements. Should be easy to generalise.


private {
     // Implicitly convert to the smallest type which can store both T 
and U; acts like an 'auto' template return type.
template SharedComparisonType(T, U) {
     static if (is( typeof( (T x, U y){ return y<x? y: x;}) Q == return))
         alias Q SharedComparisonType;

/** Return the minimum of x and y.
  * Note: If x and y are floating-point numbers, and either is a NaN,
  * x will be returned.
SharedComparisonType!(T, U) min(T, U)(T x, U y) {
     return y<x? y : x;

/** Return the maximum of x and y.
  * Note: If x and y are floating-point numbers, and either is a NaN,
  * x will be returned.
SharedComparisonType!(T,U) max(T, U)(T x, U y) {
     return y>x? y : x;

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