challenge: implement the max function
Don Clugston
dac at
Mon Jan 22 01:36:05 PST 2007
Lionello Lunesu wrote:
> donth ave wrote:
>> Xinok Wrote:
>>> T[0]+T[1]
>> To have addition is an additional(sic!) requirement not present in the
>> challenge.
> Would typeof(T[0]>T[1]?T[0]:T[1]) work? I'd have to test it, I guess :)
No, it doesn't work. But this does:
(starting to fail the simplicity requirement though...)
template maxtype(T...){
static if(T.length == 0) static assert(false);
static if(T.length == 1) alias typeof(T[0]) maxtype;
static if(T.length == 2 && is( typeof( (T[0] x, T[1] y){ return y <
x ? y : x;}) Q == return)) {
alias Q maxtype;
static if(T.length > 2) {
alias maxtype!(maxtype!(T[0..1]), T[2..$]) maxtype;
maxtype!(T) max(T...)(T arg){
static assert(arg.length > 0);
static if(arg.length == 1) return arg[0];
static if(arg.length == 2)
return arg[0] >= arg[1] ? arg[0] : arg[1];
static if(arg.length > 2)
return max(arg[0] >= arg[1] ? arg[0] : arg[1], arg[2..length]);
void main(){
writefln(max(15, 30, 45.5, 60.4));
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