Big problem with Small programs
foo at
Tue Jan 23 10:03:03 PST 2007
kris wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> kris wrote:
>>> I have a helloworld.d program. I compile it on both Win32 and on
>>> linux. On linux, the executable is 72KB whereas on Win32 it is 141KB.
>>> Why is this?
>>> Turns out that D programs importing comprehensive Win32 D headers
>>> will wind up with executable space occupied for *all* constants and
>>> *all* struct initializers for the darned Win32 decls; where none of
>>> them are actually used.
>>> That amounts to ~70KB of junk in the executable -- almost a full 100%
>>> increase in size beyond what it should be.
>>> Does OptLink remove this? I've had no success with it. Walter? Can
>>> you help with this?
>>> - Kris
>> Try using enums instead of const variables, they don't take up any
>> space in the object file.
> Thanks, but that makes only a dent in the overhead.
> One might assume that dmd and optlink have no facilities to remove
> unreferenced entities such as these? If so, doesn't this seem to be a
> notable weak point in the toolchain?
> Why is this not an issue with C/C++ ?
> 1) C used true compile-time constants via #define. From your comment
> above, it would appear enum is the equivalent in D, rather than const
> int. Probably worth a note in the doc about that?
> 2) C does not have struct inititalizers.
> Why has this not come to light before? Well, the Phobos Win32 headers
> are pretty darned slim compared with the real mcCoy. There's been a lot
> of clamour for 'real' win32 headers for years. Now that we have them,
> we're penalized for using 'em :p
> Surely there must be some way for the linker to identify and discard
> unused entities?
> Another approach would be to make the win32 headers be .di files, such
> that no obj files are generated. However, this breaks quickly whenever
> one uses a struct requiring an initializer (link errors).
> Enum is only a small partial resolution here, and we need to complete
> the picture somehow. Any other suggestions, Walter? Can you tag the
> structs internally somehow to make the linker discard the unused ones?
> Can you explain exactly what's going on, such that others might be able
> to suggest something?
For example (off the top of my head to get things rolling), what would
be the ramifications of placing each struct initializer into its own
data-segment? Would the linker manage to remove the unused ones then? If
so, could a compiler flag be used to enable that, or could it be done
behind the scenes?
Other suggestions?
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