Holy Win32 Voids, Batman!
ericanderton at yahoo.removeme.com
Tue Jan 23 13:39:39 PST 2007
kris wrote:
> W00t! Poll Time!
> All you Win32 developers out there -- how do you feel about marking all
> instances of Win32 structs like so:
> POINT p = void;
> ...
> ...
> ...
> TV_ITEM tv = void;
> ...
> TEXTMETRIC tm = void;
> ensuring that there is an "= void;" affixed to each decl? If you're all
> happy with that, we can eliminate those issues with Win32 bloat without
> a fix from Walter. Woohoo!
> All those in favour please say 'aye'. All those not in favour say 'nae'.
> Those in favour of a true fix say nothing at all -- that way, we can
> truthfully assert most ppl want a real fix instead ;)
> (see related posts also)
I must be late to the party, or mislaid my invitation.
Is this attempting to solve the link size of executables? If so, and this changes nothing but the level of bloat we've
all come to expect, then "AYE". As long as it can't be misinterpreted by other (potential) compilers, and is
side-effect free code then there's no reason not to do this.
- EricAnderton at yahoo
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