Associative Array Initializers
Kevin Bealer
kevinbealer at
Thu Jan 25 00:15:07 PST 2007
Bill Baxter wrote:
> Serg Kovrov wrote:
>> Frits van Bommel wrote:
>>> No, that's one of the big missing things.
>> Exactly!
> Seems like with tuples now it might be possible to make a function that
> would do the trick:
> int[char[]] months = AA("Jan", 1, "Feb", 2, "Mar", 3);
> This could be another interesting challenge akin to Andrei's max()
> challenge. Write a function that constructs an AA from it's arguments
> using the "best" types.
> For that matter it would be interesting to see a template which
> constructs an array using the best type to hold the arguments (as
> opposed to just the type of the first argument).
> --bb
I don't know why all this syntax is needed; in particular, without the
a.dup, it crashes. I don't know why -- it might be a bug or just a bad
assumption on my part.
// -*- c++ -*-
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.traits;
template AA_types(E...) {
static if(isStaticArray!(typeof(E[0]))) {
alias typeof(E[0].init)[] AA_key;
alias typeof(E[1]) AA_value;
alias AA_value[AA_key] AA_type;
} else {
alias typeof(E[0]) AA_key;
alias typeof(E[1]) AA_value;
alias AA_value[AA_key] AA_type;
AA_types!(E).AA_type AA(E...)(E values)
static assert(values.length);
static assert((values.length % 2) == 0);
alias AA_types!(E).AA_key TKey;
alias AA_types!(E).AA_value TValue;
alias AA_types!(E).AA_type TArray;
TKey K;
TArray rv;
foreach(i, a; values) {
static if ((i & 1) == 0) {
static if (is(typeof(a.length))) {
K = a.dup;
} else {
K = a;
static if ((i & 1) == 1) {
rv[K] = a;
return rv;
int main(char[][] args)
auto f = AA("run", 2, "the", 1, "you long", 4);
foreach(i, a; f) {
writefln("%s -> %s", i, a);
return 0;
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