Real World usage of D, Today (was Re: challenge #2: implement the varargs_reduce metafunction)
Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)
SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Fri Jan 26 21:30:34 PST 2007
Kevin Bealer wrote:
> Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email) wrote:
[about deducing storage types]
>> The syntax that I am proposing does away with storageof and is very
>> much in spirit with the current D:
>> S int foo(S, T)(S T t) { }
>> It does exactly what it says it does, in a clear and terse manner, and
>> is 100% within the spirit of existing D:
>> * It's customized on symbols S and T
>> * It's matching (by sheer position of S and T) the storage (i.e., all
>> of the gooey fuzzy nice information about the argument passed) and the
>> type of the incoming argument
>> * In this example it uses the storage in the result type (e.g. const
>> goes to const)
>> * Inside the function can easily use either T separately or S T as a
>> group that transports the storage around. You have total flexibility
>> (and don't forget that juxtaposition is always easier than extraction).
>> So far we're only thinking of storage-like attributes, but a good deal
>> of information can be encoded under the loose declaration of "storage".
>> Andrei
> I like this; does this mean that when declaring an instance, you would
> do something like this? Or do the 'const' parts get deduced?
> alias Foo!(const, int) TheFoo;
The intent is to deduce the storage, but specifying it explicitly works
just as well.
There is strong resistance against my notation because manipulating the
storage class separately is something entirely new, which means a lot of
work in the compiler implementation. Also, S is not a type but a (new
kind of) alias, which might confuse people who read:
template Foo(S, T)
and expect S and T to be types, just to discover in the body of the
template that S is actually a qualifier.
The strawman we're discussing now looks like this:
void foo(auto T)(T t) { }
meaning, T will match whatever you throw at foo, including storage:
int a = 5;
foo(a); // T == inout int
foo(a + 1); // T == int
Either way, one thing is clear - defining storage classes properly is a
focal area.
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