Another bug in the GC

renoX renosky at
Sat Jan 27 04:05:31 PST 2007

Bill Baxter a écrit :
> renoX wrote:
>> The joy of GCs.. :-(
>> I remember a bug in Sun's JVM: the GC wouldn't take into account 
>> static reference to object, freeing 'singleton' objects during the 
>> collection..
>> Took me some time to figure what was happening (especially since 
>> collection phase occur more or less randomly).
>> renoX
> Did Sun not have an equivalent of std.gc.fullCollect to force a GC cycle?

I think they have, but it's useful only when you have figured what's 
happening to reproduce it, at the begining there are just weird 
exceptions at random time, and I didn't suspect the GC for some time..

> (sorry about my previous posts from the future -- forgot that I set my 
> timezone to something bogus the other day.)
> --bb

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