seeding the pot for 2.0 features [small vectors]

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Mon Jan 29 15:49:52 PST 2007

Mikola Lysenko wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> "Most CPUs today have *some* kind of SSE/Altivec type thing"
>> That may be, but I've heard that at least SSE is really not that 
>> suited to many calculations -- especially ones in graphics.  Something 
>> like you have to pack your data so that all the x components are 
>> together, and all y components together, and all z components 
>> together.  Rather than the way everyone normally stores these things 
>> as xyz, xyz.  Maybe Altivec, SSE2 and SSE3 fix that though.  At any 
>> rate I think maybe Intel's finally getting tired of being laughed at 
>> for their graphics performance so things are probably changing.
> I have never heard of any SIMD architecture where vectors works that 
> way.  On SSE, Altivec or MMX the components for the vectors are always 
> stored in contiguous memory.

Ok.  Well, I've never used any of these MMX/SSE/Altivec things myself, 
so it was just heresay.  But the source was someone I know in the 
graphics group at Intel.  I must have just misunderstood his gripe, in 
that case.

> In terms of graphics, this is pretty much optimal.  Most manipulations 
> on vectors like rotations, normalization, cross product etc. require 
> access to all components simultaneously.  I honestly don't know why you 
> would want to split each of them into separate buffers...
> Surely it is simpler to do something like this:
> x y z w x y z w x y z w ...
> vs.
> x x x x ... y y y y ... z z z z ... w w w ...

Yep, I agree, but I thought that was exactly the gist of what this 
friend of mine was griping about.  As I understood it at the time, he 
was complaining that the CPU instructions are good at planar layout x x 
x x y y y y ... but not interleaved x y x y x y.

If that's not the case, then great.


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