seeding the pot for 2.0 features [small vectors]

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Mon Jan 29 16:51:08 PST 2007

Joel C. Salomon wrote:

>> Effective vector code needs correct data alignment, instruction 
>> scheduling and register use.  Each of these issues is most effectively 
>> handled in the compiler/code gen stage, and therefore suggests that at 
>> the very least the compiler implementation ought to be aware of the 
>> vector type in some way.  By applying the "D Builtin Rationale," it is 
>> easy to see that vectors meet all the required criteria.
> As I understand it, D’s inline assembler would be the tool to use for 
> this in a library implementation.  I don’t think the complex types use 
> SIMD, so the vectors can be the only things using those registers.

SIMD instructions can also be useful for complex operations, so I don't 
think that's a safe assumption to make.


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