DLL in D based on Tango

Sean Kelly sean at f4.ca
Mon Jul 9 11:54:50 PDT 2007

BLS wrote:
> Hello,
> My question is :
> Can I create a DLL written in *D* having a simple C Interface  *A* 
> scripting language can use ?
> Probabely yes.
>  Using TANGO ? I do not know.

Tango has two routines for initializing and terminating the runtime:

extern (C) bool  rt_init( void delegate( Exception ) dg = null );
extern (C) bool  rt_term( void delegate( Exception ) dg = null );

Call these in DllMain or wherever appropriate.  The delegate will be 
passed any exceptions thrown while the functions are processing, and 
will return true/false on success/failure.

As for the rest, building a DLL in Tango should be the same as doing so 
with Phobos.


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