Linking against a Win32-DLL

Marc Müller dont at
Mon Jul 9 17:14:50 PDT 2007

Yeah you are awesome! You made my day!

Not only that you solved the problem (which I probably never had solved 
on my own) - now I also have a useful debugger on hand :-)
And of course - a working one... I was a bit scared, that (unpatched) 
gdb did not work with dmd-generated code... And windbg... Well - it's 
Microsoft, so I was not scared at all, but they approved again my 

Thank you also for your detailed informations about the calling 
conventions and the asm-explanations (in the later posting). Since my 
last asm-programming experience was before the protected-mode era it was 
very useful and interesting for me.

Tomorrow I will try to get Code::Blocks work with Ddbg.
Again, thank you a lot!


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